
slno Department Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year Funds sanctioned (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Botany Mitigation of white fly (Bemisia tabaci) pest with essential oil of some indigenous plants for sustainable crop protection Dr. Afrida Hussain COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2023 100000.00 1 Year
2 Botany A Comparative Study on the efficacy of some commercially available mycorrhizal biofertilizers and as indigenously developed arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal biofertilizer on the growth of Capsicum Annuum L Dr. Bidisha Sharma COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2023 100000.00 1 Year
3 Botany Analysis of genetic divergence and interrelationship among the different species of Polygonum Dr. Werina Ingtipi COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2023 100000.00 1 Year
4 Botany Molecular Characterisation of Microcosm of Paddy fields of Kamrup Rural for analyzing their role in soil health and global warming due to methane emission Dr. Moitrayee B. Chakraborty COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2023 100000.00 1 Year
5 Botany DBT-BUILDER: Cotton University Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advance Research and Education focusing Medicinal Plant Research and Biodiversity Conservation. Prof R C Deka (Coordinator) Dr Akhilesh Verma (PI) DBT Government 2022 4.33 Cr 5 yrs
6 Botany DNA Barcode for molecular identification of bamboo species of North East India Dr. Raju Bharali Cotton University In House 2019 100000 Yne year
7 Botany Structure-based pharmacophore modelling and biological evaluation of novel CCR9 inhibitor(s) for the treatment of prostate cancer Dr.Jimmy Yebjeny Yumnam COTTON UNIVERSITY In House 2019 100000.00 1 Year
8 Botany NanoZinc mediated regulation of arsenic stress in rice (Oryza sativa L) Dr Thounaojam Chanu(PI) Dr Hrishikesh Upadhyaya(Mentor) DST Government 2018 34.78 L From 27/03/2018
9 Botany Nano zinc Mediated regulation of Arsenic stress in rice (oryza sativa L.) Dr. Thounaojan Thorny Chanu DST Government 2017 34.7978 3 years
10 Botany Physiological and molecular approaches to water stress tolerance and recovery in Rice: Role of Zn nanoparticles Dr Hrishikesh Upadhyaya DBT Government 2013 31.06 Lakhs from 05/07/2013
11 Botany Physiolological and molecular appraoches to dehydration stress tolerance and recovery in Oryza sativa. : role of calcium Dr Hrishikesh Upadhyaya DST Government 2013 22 Lakhs from 06/09/2013